What Is News?

What Is News?

News is information about events that affect people, places or things in their daily lives. It may be about wars, political unrest, natural disasters, environmental changes, economic issues or crime. People have been delivering news since ancient times through oral means, and later via written communication. Modern technology has increased the speed at which information is transmitted and influenced the content of news stories.

News articles are usually written in an objective, factual style with a limited number of viewpoints. The purpose is to inform and entertain. News articles often include a timeline and a source list. The source list includes the name and contact information of anyone who provided quotes or commentary. The article writer should always credit the source, and avoid making personal comments that could be construed as opinion or editorial.

It is a common practice for businesses to create internal news articles, especially those with many employees. This is done to keep all employees informed about important company news, projects and accomplishments. It can also serve to boost morale and team spirit by celebrating success.

The type of news that gets reported varies widely from region to region, but some common topics are:

Famous people: Prominent men and women make news when they fall out of favour or become embroiled in scandal. This is true even for ordinary people who achieve some level of public recognition.

Health: People are interested in their health, and stories about hospitals and clinics, traditional remedies, diseases, drug trials and medical advancements are all considered newsworthy. This is particularly true if the subject matter is controversial, such as research into euthanasia or stem cell treatment.

Money: This is another area of interest, and a wide variety of stories are considered newsworthy. From fortunes made and lost to school fees, taxes, the budget and compensation claims – it is the ‘bigger picture’ that tends to capture people’s imaginations.

Politics: The machinations of government are often newsworthy, as are protests and strikes. The study of how governments attempt to control the news through censorship, propaganda and spies is another interesting area of journalism.

There is a huge range of media available to report news, from newspapers and magazines through to radio and TV. A recent study in one city found that the number of different local news outlets was growing, and that the boundaries delineating for-profit, non-profit and ‘community’ media had blurred. News aggregators, which combine this diverse universe into a single online destination, have also emerged. In the midst of all this, traditional media remain dominant. This reflects the continuing importance of news in society. However, it also raises the question of how journalists decide what is newsworthy. Clearly, not every story is equally valuable, and it takes an experienced eye to discern the significance of a particular piece of information.